
In our first workshop, you will work with a partner to write an effective social media (SM) post.

SM Strategy

To be effective, Social Media (SM) strategy must be integrated into the organization’s larger content strategy.

SM Strategy 1

Effective use of social media (SM) requires a clear and broadly understood content strategy.

Promoting Events

In class we will discuss the Event Release assignment and writing models from recent issues of Espresso.

Global Flows

Appadurai’s five “scapes” offer a framework for examining global flows and their impacts.

SM Strategy 2

Understanding what audiences value about and expect from social media is critical to a successful strategy.


Focus the interview (and the writing) on your organization’s messaging objectives. 

Images 101

This assignment begins our study of images with a reading from chapter 11 of the Web Style Guide (WSG).

Images 102

With this assignment, we begin to apply what we’ve learned to an analysis of your chosen web site.

About Web Images

This assignment continues our study of graphics with a reading from chapter 11 of the Web Style Guide.

Globalized Christianity

“The era of Western Christianity has passed within our lifetimes, and the day of Southern Christianity is dawning” (430).

Exam 1

The content and format of our three exams is detailed on a page linked from the navigation bar.

Exam 1

The content and format of our three exams is detailed on a page linked from the navigation bar.

Animation 101

As an introduction to GoAnimate, students will create an animated self-portrait (i.e. an avatar).

Glocalization 1

Glocalization is a corporate strategy. The term, coined in the 1980s, combines “global” and “local.”

Video 1

The chapter discusses effective strategies and distribution channels for web video.

Video 2

The second half of the chapter focuses on video production and editing.


This assignment focuses on metadata and keywords, crucial tools needed to reach wider audiences on social media platforms. 

Korean Wave

The South Korean popular music industry offers an excellent example of glocalization.

Captioning Video

Today we will review the requirements for the “Streaming Video” assignment and complete a workshop on YouTube captioning. 

Color Models

To communicate effectively through digital media, you need to understand three ways of modeling color.

Public Enemy

“Public Enemy is, by all measures, the greatest, most impactful political rap group to ever have existed.”

Photoshop 1

This in-class workshop works with Adobe Photoshop and applies the HSB color model.

HTML 101

This assignment introduces the basic concepts and grammar of Hypertext Markup Language.