Glocalization 2

“Glocalization” is often used to describe two distinct corporate strategies. This assignment distinguishes and offers examples of these two approaches.


After completing this assignment, students should be able to

  • Paraphrase the definition of “McDonaldization” and recognize new examples.
  • Paraphrase the definition of “cultural imperialism” and recognize new examples.
  • Identify and explain the “two distinct approaches” that are called glocalization.
  • Explain how McDonald’s has become so popular in France.
  • Summarize the major components of the “Come as you are” campaign.
  • Summarize the reasons that Bill O’Reilly claims the “Come as you are” commercial will never run in the United States.
  • Distinguish the different approaches of McDonald’s France and McDonald’s Hong Kong
  • Correctly answer the questions on the last of the lecture slides about these  Nintendo and Toyota commercials .
  • Identify new examples of both approaches to glocalization.



  • Glocal France