Global production 1
The U.S. apparel company Nike helps to introduce a fundamental concept, the global commodity chain.
After completing this assignment, students should be able to
- Define a commodity chain and recognize new examples.
- Explain the reasons that Nike’s is a Global Commodity Chain (GCC).
- Summarize Korzeniewicz’s discussion of Nike’s innovations in production.
- Summarize Korzeniewicz’s discussion of Nike’s innovations in distribution.
- Summarize Korzeniewicz’s discussion of Nike’s innovations in marketing.
- Summarize Korzeniewicz’s point about who benefits the most from GCCs like Nike’s
- Identify the three main sectors within the world economy, according to World Systems Theory.
- Apply the concept of GCCs to the U.S. motion picture industry in general and to The Simpsons in particular.
- Miguel Korzeniewicz, “Commodity Chains and Marketing Strategies” (L&B 175-85)
- Lecture Slides: Production 1: Nike
- “The Simpsons” Made in S. Korea (
- Lecture Slides: Production 1: The Simpsons
- Nike