Online Etiquette
All channels are for class purposes only, unless otherwise stated. Please remember to conduct yourself collegially and professionally. Remember also that what you say in the online environment is documented and not easily erased or forgotten.
Video Conferences
As video conferences become an increasingly central component of professional life, it’s important to treat these like the formal settings that they are. In general, you should not do anything that you would not do (or expect others to do) during a face-to-face meeting at work. In particular,
- Find a noise- and distraction-free environment
- Dress professionally (at least from the waist up)
- Sit down at a table, with materials handy for note-taking
- Consider using earbuds or headphones
- Enter the conference a few minutes before the start time
- Mute your audio unless (and until) you are specifically asked for feedback
- Don’t try to multitask. No matter what you have heard, it doesn’t work
Text-based Environments
In text-based environments like chat, messaging, email, and discussions, remember the following guidelines:
- Avoid using ALL CAPS, sarcasm, and language that could come across as strong or offensive.
- Use proper punctuation, grammar and be sure to edit your contribution before posting.
- Read all postings before posting your responses to discussion topics so as to not unnecessarily repeat information.
- Keep chat comments brief and to the point.
- Focus on one topic at a time when chatting or posting to discussions.
- Remember that, unlike in face-to-face learning environments, what you say in discussions and chats is documented and available to be revisited. Choose your words and discussion topics carefully.
- Email should only be used for messages pertaining to the course. Please refrain from sending forwards, jokes, etc. within email.