
Jeff Chang sets the stage for hip hop’s origins in the late 1970s, the Bronx.


In our first workshop, you will work with a partner to write an effective social media (SM) post.

Framing Graffiti

From the beginning, hip hop challenged the dominant frames used to define people and communities.

SM Strategy

To be effective, Social Media (SM) strategy must be integrated into the organization’s larger content strategy.

SM Strategy 1

Effective use of social media (SM) requires a clear and broadly understood content strategy.

Promoting Events

In class we will discuss the Event Release assignment and writing models from recent issues of Espresso.

Global Flows

Appadurai’s five “scapes” offer a framework for examining global flows and their impacts.

Malcolm X

“Message to the Grass Roots” is among Malcolm X’s most famous and most influential speeches.

Wild Style

Wild Style is the earliest film to document  hip hop’s four elements.

SM Strategy 2

Understanding what audiences value about and expect from social media is critical to a successful strategy.


Focus the interview (and the writing) on your organization’s messaging objectives. 

Images 101

This assignment begins our study of images with a reading from chapter 11 of the Web Style Guide (WSG).

Images 102

With this assignment, we begin to apply what we’ve learned to an analysis of your chosen web site.

About Web Images

This assignment continues our study of graphics with a reading from chapter 11 of the Web Style Guide.

Globalized Christianity

“The era of Western Christianity has passed within our lifetimes, and the day of Southern Christianity is dawning” (430).


Isaac Hayes won multiple Grammys  and an Oscar for Shaft‘s soundtrack.

Exam 1

The content and format of our three exams is detailed on a page linked from the navigation bar.

Exam 1

The content and format of our three exams is detailed on a page linked from the navigation bar.