
“Deterritorialization” is a hallmark of globalization and a key driver of cultural identities worldwide. As our earlier reading “The Changing Definition of African-American” demonstrates, deterritorialization affects those who stay at home just as much as it does those who immigrate.


After completing this assignment, students should be able to

  • Explain the importance that Appadurai attributes to the fact that “people, machinery, money, images, and ideas now follow increasingly nonisomorphic paths…” (99).
  • Define and offer a new example of “deterritorialization.”
  • Summarize “the central paradox of ethnic politics in today’s world” (101-02).
  • Define production fetishism and consumption fetishism
  • Explain the concept of “agency” as it relates to the fetishisms
    [This is discussed in the lecture slides.]
  • Discuss automobile production and consumption as examples of these fetishisms
  • Recognize new examples of both fetishisms and offer their own examples
  • Explain the meaning of the claim that “States [i.e. governments] throughout the world are under siege…” (101)
  • Summarize the role played by states in the “repatriation of difference” (103)



  • Deterritorialization