CMS 3710: LinkedIn Profile

Students will complete the following four items for a LinkedIn profile. All should reflect best practices for LinkedIn, as defined by our readings and lectures.

  • Head Shot
  • Headline
  • Summary
  • Experience (at least three paid, volunteer, and/or internship positions). Each position should include at least three bulleted accomplishments using effective resume verbs.

Note that students are not required to create a LinkedIn account to complete this assignment.

Note also that Career Services will take a head shot for you. It’s free and you don’t need an appointment. Just dress professionally (and bring your phone if you want them to use it for the photo).

Submitting your assignment

Head shot

This is due before the written materials. If you have not already done so, submit your professional head shot (in JPG format) to the D2L assignment drop box “LinkedIn head shots.”

Written materials

Download the LinkedIn Profile Template and complete it. Note that the template includes two pages. To submit the completed file, upload the MS Word document to the “LinkedIn Profile” assignment drop box in D2L.

Extra Credit

Students may earn up to five points of extra credit on this assignment by creating a public LinkedIn profile

Five points will be awarded if all of the following are complete, correct, and professionally appropriate. Zero points will be awarded if any of the  requirements are incomplete, incorrect, or unprofessional.

  • Headshot
  • Headline
  • Summary
  • Custom URL
  • Experience (at least three paid, volunteer, and/or internship positions). Each position should include at least three bulleted accomplishments using effective resume verbs.

Submitting for extra credit

  1. Once logged into LinkedIn, click on your profile picture to open your home page.
  2. Use LinkedIn’s “More > Save to PDF” feature to generate a PDF version of your profile.
  3. In addition to the MS Word document, submit this PDF to the “LinkedIn Profile” assignment drop box in D2L.