CMS 3710: Portfolio web site

Students will create a template web site using the WordPress CMS software, which I will evaluate both in desktop and mobile settings.

When complete, the site should demonstrate these 20 attributes.


  1. Use and the provided username (e.g.
  2. Include no identifying information about the student
  3. Include the site title “Student Portfolio” and the tagline “A showcase of my work”

Pages (not posts)

  1. Include an “About” page that includes two paragraphs of Greeking text
  2. Include four Pages, titled to indicate your talent areas, which also include two paragraphs of Greeking text
  3. Use the “About” page as the site’s landing page


  1. Use a free WordPress theme that supports “custom header” images
  2. Use a theme that prominently features a menu of links to the site’s pages in both desktop and mobile view
  3. Use a theme that communicates “Creative Professional”
  4. Organize the page menu so that the “About” page is listed first
  5. Include no extra menus, widgets (e.g. no “Meta” or “Archives”), or comment boxes

Header image

  1. Include a header image that appears on every page of the site
  2. Support the “Creative Professional” theme and look good on both desktop and mobile displays
  3. Represent the student’s chosen areas of expertise (e.g. writing implements for a portfolio focused on writing)
  4. Come from Flickr, and meet all other requirements detailed in our “WP Header Image” assignment.
  5. Credit the image’s creator on the “About” page.

Video embed

  1. Include at least one embedded YouTube video
  2. Embed the video of one finalist from CSU’s 2019 Campus Movie Fest

Audio embed

  1. Include at least one embedded SoundCloud audio track
  2. Embed the audio of either Murder She Wrote or I. Psalm 132