Timing Social Media Posts

Steve Spence
Updated: 23 July 2019

The crucial point

The best times to post on social media are when the people you want to see the content are on the network.


Post Life Spans

Facebook: 6 hours

Twitter: 15 minutes

Instagram: 24 hours

After these deadlines, the post will generate next-to-no engagement, because the platform algorithms will stop showing it to users.

Coschedule Infographic, 2018

This inforgraphic summarizes a wealth of information by day, time, platform, and type of business. The data was derived from sixteen separate studies. Click on the image to see it full sized.

In general: YouTube

This chart contains data from one YouTube media company, Frederator Networks, which resembles YouTube's general population in terms of age but includes more U.S. men than does YouTube's average.

Best practice: Use analytics to understand your audience, example 1 (VPA)


Best practice: Use analytics , example 2 (buffer.com)