Martin Luther King, Jr., "Remaining Awake...."

Steve Spence
Updated: 27 August 2018


King delivered this sermon at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., four days before he was assassinated.

Triple Revolution 1: "Automation and Cybernation"

Modern man (sic) through his scientific genius has been able to dwarf distance and place time in chains. And our jet planes have compressed into minutes distances that once took weeks and even months.

Triple Revolution 1: "Automation and Cybernation" = Communication

From Milestones in AT&T Network History of International Phone Calls:

1927: AT&T begins trans-Atlantic telephone service, initially between the United States and London. The conversations cross the Atlantic via radio. The initial capacity is one call at a time at a cost of $75 for the first three minutes.

[This cost was the equivalent of $1,023 in today's dollars.]

1956: AT&T opens for service TAT-1, the first trans-Atlantic telephone cable. The initial capacity is 36 calls at a time at a price per call of $12 for the first three minutes. Since trans-Atlantic service opened in 1927, calls had traveled across the ocean via radio waves. But cables provide much higher signal quality, avoid atmospheric interference and offer greater capacity and security.

[This cost was the equivalent of $105 in today's dollars.]

1970: AT&T introduces customer dialing of international long distance calls, initially between Manhattan and London. Up to this time, all overseas telephone calls required an operator.

Triple Revolution 1: "Automation and Cybernation" = Satellite Communication

Triple Revolution 2: "Weaponry"

Triple Revolution 3: "Human Rights"

The 1960s of course was a time of massive change throughout the American South.

It was likewise a revolutionary time throughout the global South, as dozens of nations fought for and gained their independence from European colonizers. The list of the nations joining the U.N. in this decade is revealing. (Wikipedia includes a list that can be ordered by date of admission.)

Three Challenges: Isolationism

First, we are challenged to develop a world perspective.

Three Challenges: Racism

Secondly we are challenged to eradicate the last vestiges of racial injustice from our nation.

Three Challenges: Poverty

We are challenged to rid our nation and the world of poverty.